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Configure the ActiveMember360 Miscellaneous settings
Configure the ActiveMember360 Miscellaneous settings

Default avatar settings

Set Default avatar settings to the default avatar size for use with the [mbr_avatar] shortcode.

A valid value must be between 1 and 96 pixels.

Default: 48

Suppress empty menu items

If using menus created with the WordPress menu builder by default page/posts will not be visible in the menu for visitors who do not satisfy the conditions to access the page/post, unless an excerpt or redirect exists for that page/post.

That page/post may be a menu sub item (child) to a menu item (parent).

When Suppress empty menu items is set to Yes/On the menu item (parent) will not display in the menu when it has no sub items (children) that are visible to the visitor.

As an example the parent menu item may be a WordPress Category. The child menu items may be posts belonging to that category. If the visitor do not satisfy the conditions to view the posts in that category and none have excerpts or redirects defined with this setting you can choose to suppress the display of the parent menu item of the WordPress Category.

Default: Yes

Apply "Hide menu" to admin users

By default, an admin user can see all menu items regardless of whether a menu item, i.e. page or post, has it’s ActiveMember360 Page/Post Settings set to Hide from menu only.

When Apply "Hide menu" to admin users is set to Yes/On the menu displayed to admins will not contain items set to Hide from menu only.

Default: No

Failed payment text

When a remote user has a Failed Payment status the specified Failed payment text will be displayed once upon login in an overlayed WordPress thickbox popup window.

Additionally, a short message and a link will be displayed in the ActiveMember360 Login Widget throughout the user’s logged in session.

HTML and shortcodes, including [mbr_exec], may be used within the text.

Failed payment text allows a custom message to be shown to the user that explains that they have limited access to the WordPress site, why they have been denied full access and how to resolve the situation. As HTML and shortcodes are permitted this could include relevant links to your e-commerce system for the user to resolve any outstanding payment issues.

Default: There is a problem with your subscriber account. Your access is currently limited to public content. Please contact the operator of this site for more information.