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Content Access

Configure the ActiveMember360 Content Access settings
Configure the ActiveMember360 Content Access settings

Enable access to WP dashboard for capability

There are many third party plugins that require users to access the WordPress dashboard. These are mainly those that wish to give users access to their WordPress user profile.

ActiveMember360 controls access to the WordPress dashboard and will only give access and display the dashboard to logged in users whose WordPress 'capability' matches the one selected from the drop-down list.

To review the relationship between user roles and capabilities in WordPress, please review WordPress Roles & Capabilities.

From the Enable access to WP dashboard for capability drop down select the WordPress capability for which the dashboard will be displayed and accessible.

Default: activate_plugins (this is effectively an administrator user)

Suppress user "WP tool bar"

WordPress can display an admin bar for logged in users which docks itself to the top of page.

When Suppress user "WP tool bar" is set to Yes the admin bar will be suppressed.


The admin bar will always be shown for WordPress administrator users, i.e. those with a WordPress capability of an administrator, irrespective of this setting.

Default: Yes