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Configure the ActiveMember360 Mailing settings
Configure the ActiveMember360 Mailing settings

In various situations ActiveMember360 interacts with your members through email sent from WordPress.

So do many other plugins.

ActiveMember360 uses a WordPress filter to ensure that any emails sent using the standard WordPress wp_mail function come from the settings detailed below.


It is best practice in terms of email delivery to always send emails from an email address using the root domain of your site URL as specified in WordPress, Settings, General, Site URL.

Please note if using SMTP the settings from within the SMTP plugins will take preference over those below.

Many other plugins such as WooCommerce use the same WordPress filter as ActiveMember360 to set the sending email name and address. However ActiveMember360 is configured, in the majority of cases, to take preference to the settings of other plugins. So therefore you may see emails sent from WooCommerce etc. using the settings detailed below.

If you wish to disable these settings in preference to those of other plugins please see the Notes for Developers.

Default "Mail From" name

Specify for Default "Mail From" name an alternate email 'From:' name rather than using the default of 'Site Admin'.

Default: Site Admin

Default "Mail From" address

Specify for Default "Mail From" address an alternate email 'From:' address rather than using the WordPress default.

Default: As set in WordPress, Settings, General, Administration Email Address

Notes for developers

If required you can remove the ActiveMember360 filters that control the "Mail From" name and address by including the following in your theme functions.php:

remove_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name',[ MBR(), 'wp_mail_from_name' ],999);
remove_filter( 'wp_mail_from',[ MBR(), 'wp_mail_from' ],999);