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This shortcode updates the ActiveCampaign contact record associated with the logged in WordPress user.

It can be used to:

  • Add and remove tags
  • Update any contact fields
  • Add and remove the contact from automations
  • Subscribe and unsubscribe the contact from lists.


field=valueSpecifies the name of an ActiveCampaign contact field to update and the value to update it with. The field can be any contact field in ActiveCampaign, e.g. first_name, last_name, phone, my_custom_field etc. The available field names can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Contact Fields. The lower case version of the Perstag should be used as the field name.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
assign_tagsOne or more tag ID's or tag names defined within ActiveCampaign to add to the contact. The available tags can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Tags. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
remove_tagsOne or more tag ID's or tag names defined within ActiveCampaign to remove from the contact. The available tags can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Tags. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
assign_automationsOne or more automation ID's defined within ActiveCampaign to add to the contact. The available automations can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Automations. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
remove_automationsOne or more automation ID's defined within ActiveCampaign to remove from the contact. The available automations can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Automations. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
subscribe_listsOne or more list ID's defined within ActiveCampaign to subscribe the contact to. The available lists can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Lists. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
unsubscribe_listsOne or more list ID's defined within ActiveCampaign to unsubscribe the contact from. The available lists can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Lists. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
unsubscribe_reasonReason for using unsubscribe_lists.
Default: Contact unsubscribed on site” (the site URL will be the site on which they unsubscribed)
Required: no.
autocreate_tagsIf set to yes non-existent tags in your ActiveCampaign application specified for the assign_tags parameter will be automatically created. If the tag does not exist the value for assign_tags will be used as the tag name.
Default: yes
Required: no.
Tag ID's vs. tag names

The use of tag ID's over tag names is encouraged. Unless a tag is deleted, its tag ID can be considered persistent and unique. Tag names, on the other hand, can be changed at any time and do not need to be unique. Using a tag name that is not unique or has been changed can cause your shortcode, hook or module to no longer work as expected.


This shortcode is only processed for logged in users who also exist as contacts within ActiveCampaign.

In all other cases, including WordPress users with the Administrator role nothing will be processed.

Conditional Branching

This shortcode does NOT support conditional branching with [ELSE_update_contact].


Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


Update the currently logged in users ActiveCampaign contact field first_name to John:

[mbr_update_contact field='first_name' value='John']



There is currently no ActiveMember360 API function equivalent for this shortcode.