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This shortcode returns a count of the number of contacts with the specified ActiveCampaign tag.


tag_idA single tag ID defined within ActiveCampaign to base the count upon. The available tags can be found in [ActiveMember360, Utilities, Tags][utilities-tags].
Default: none.
Required: yes if no tag_name parameter specified.
tag_nameA single tag name defined within ActiveCampaign to base the count upon. The available tags can be found in [ActiveMember360, Utilities, Tags][utilities-tags].
Default: none.
Required: yes if no tag_id parameter specified.
thousands_sepThousands separator.
Default: none.
Required: no.
Tag ID's vs. tag names

The use of tag ID's over tag names is encouraged. Unless a tag is deleted, its tag ID can be considered persistent and unique. Tag names, on the other hand, can be changed at any time and do not need to be unique. Using a tag name that is not unique or has been changed can cause your shortcode, hook or module to no longer work as expected.


This shortcode is evaluated for any type of visitor.

Conditional Branching

This shortcode does NOT support conditional branching with [ELSE_contact_count].


Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


Returns the number of ActiveCampaign contacts who have the tag assigned with ID 123:

[mbr_contact_count tag_id='123']



There is currently no ActiveMember360 API function equivalent for this shortcode.