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This shortcode returns an editable ajax table consisting of a segment of your ActiveCampaign contacts, selected by ActiveCampaign tag ID/tag name, or by being subscribed in an ActiveCampaign list.

Using this shortcode, both regular and custom fields can be edited. The changes are immediately posted both locally, to your WordPress site, and to your ActiveCampaign application. In addition, automations can be initiated for individual contacts listed in the table.


tagA single tag ID or tag name defined within ActiveCampaign to segment the table i.e. only contacts with this tag will appear in the table. The available tags can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Tags.
Defaults: none.
Required: yes, if list_id not specified.
list_idA single list ID defined within ActiveCampaign to segment the table i.e. only contacts subscibed to this list will appear in the table The available lists can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Lists. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
Required: yes, if tag not specified.
fieldsThe ActiveCampaign contact fields to display in the table. The field can be any contact field in ActiveCampaign, e.g. first_name, last_name, phone, my_custom_field etc. The available field names can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Contact Fields. The lower case version of the Perstag should be used as the field name.
Defaults: none.
Required: yes.
only_contact_idA comma separated string of ActiveCampaign contact ID’s that determines whether the is allowed to see the table. When used only a remote user with a contact ID matching one of those specified will be able to see the table. If the only_contact_id parameter is not specified any visitor can see the table.
Default: none.
Required: no.
editableSpecifies whether edits can be made directly from within the table.
Permitted Values: yes, no
Default: no
Required: no.
edit_fieldsThe ActiveCampaign contact fields that can be edited within the table. The field can be any contact field in ActiveCampaign, e.g. first_name, last_name, phone, my_custom_field etc. The available field names can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Contact Fields. The lower case version of the Perstag should be used as the field name. Only applicable if the editable paramter is set to yes.
Default: yes
Required: no.
edit_labelsThe header titles if field names are not used. They correspond in order and number to the fields specified in the fields parameter.
Default: The
Required: no.
only_self_editIf set to yes non-existent tags in your ActiveCampaign application specified for the assign_tags parameter will be automatically created. If the tag does not exist the value for assign_tags will be used as the tag name.
Default: yes
Required: no.
headersSpecifies whether header titles should be used for the table. Titles will be the title case version of the filed names specified in the field parameter, unless the header_labels parameter
Default: yes
Required: no.
header_labelsThe header titles if field names are not used. They correspond in order and number to the fields specified in the fields parameter.
Default: none.
Required: no.
avatar_headerThe header title for the avatar column in the table.
Default: none.
Required: no.
avatar_fieldThe ActiveCampaign contact field where the alternate avatar URL is stored if not using
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
avatar_sizeThe size of the avatar in pixels. Limited to 1 minimum and 128 maximum.
Defaults: As set in ActiveMember360, Settings, Miscellaneous, Default avatar size
Required: no.
avatar_defaultThe avatar to be shown if a contact in the list does not have a registered gravatar at
Defaults: mm (Mystery Man).
Required: no.
avatar_altThe alt text to be used for the image link.
Defaults: none.
Required: no.
automationsOne or more automation ID's defined within ActiveCampaign to add the contact to. The available automations can be found in ActiveMember360, Utilities, Automations. If more than one is entered, please separate with commas.
Defaults: none.
page_lengthThe maximum number of rows to be shown within the table on a single page
Default: 10
Required: no.
Tag ID's vs. tag names

The use of tag ID's over tag names is encouraged. Unless a tag is deleted, its tag ID can be considered persistent and unique. Tag names, on the other hand, can be changed at any time and do not need to be unique. Using a tag name that is not unique or has been changed can cause your shortcode, hook or module to no longer work as expected.


This shortcode is only processed for logged in users who also exist as contacts within ActiveCampaign.

In all other cases, including WordPress users with the Administrator role nothing will be processed.

Conditional Branching

This shortcode does NOT support conditional branching with [ELSE_member_dir].


Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


Update the currently logged in users ActiveCampaign contact field first_name to John:

[mbr_member_dir field='first_name' value='John']



There is currently no ActiveMember360 API function equivalent for this shortcode.